September 20, 2006

History does not need to repeat itself!

I can't believe the devastation we allow to happen in our world!?! Only twelve or so years after the horrendous genocide in Rwanda, history is repeating.

Genocide is now happening in Sudan and the Congo, and on a small scale in Zimbabwe and the international community is silent again.

This has been going on for months, if not years, and I am embarrased that I have only found out about it this week. Embarrased because our national media hasn't taken it up as an issue. Emabarrased because our churches are not "speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves". Embarrased that our governments are keeping their attentions focused on our own national interests.

Please join me in writing to or visiting our local federal politicians: fervently petitioning them to move our governments to put pressure on these countries that are allowing genocide within their borders.

When we are silent, out hands are also stained with the blood of the innocent.

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