October 20, 2006

A thought...

Here is a quote from The Broken Body by Jean Varnier hanging on the wall in my office...
Rejected people are sick and tired of "good" and "generous" people, of people who claim to be Christians, of people who come to them on their pedestals of pride and power to do them good. No wonder their hearts are closed to new people. They are waiting for someone who really cares and who sees in them the light of love and wisdom, who recognises their gifts and their beauty; someone who will accept them just as they are with no preconcieved ideas that they should change...



Anonymous said...

Amen indeed. I remember speaking about this a few months ago. Philip Yancey observes in "the Jesus I never knew" that the kind of people that were drawn to Jesus were the rejected, the sick, the needy. Why are these people no longer drawn to the church?

I want to be part of a church community where people are drawn to God through the love and the grace we show to each other, and to our community.

Jen Waddell said...

I do too. When having lunch with a friend yesterday, she was telling me how much she admired a friend of hers that spends so much time hanging out with non-CHristian mates, and how they love hanging out with him. Three of them were going to go to the movies, but one guy rang up saying he was too druck, he couldn't even watch a video, and this CHristian guy just completely accepted him without judgement.

She was was so impressed with him. I was more relieved than impressed. I said, "that is what doing life is all about."

When did being gracious and accepting people outside of our standards move from being expected to impressive, as Christian behaviour?

:) Jen

Jen Waddell said...

I meant "drunk", not "druck" :)

Sally said...

When did being gracious and accepting people outside of our standards move from being expected to impressive, as Christian behaviour?

Good question- and I guess the answer lies in the steryotypical kill joy Christianity that makes us judges rather than people of compassion and mercy!

Popped by to say Hi from Matt Stones blog!

Jen Waddell said...

Glad to have you pop by Sally! I come by and check out your blog.

:) Jen