October 23, 2006

wisdoms to live by

I am focused on writing essays at the moment for College, so not quite so up with the blogging this week. In my essay on "to what extent is the book of Zechariah apocalyptic" (which I am loving! So interesting!) I am of course reading a bizillion books and articles.

In one article I was reading about how apocalyptic literature gave readers a historic review, a history-eschatalogical perspective, so as people could see their crisis situation in the greater scheme of God's plan for the world and for evil, and the author, Frederick J. Murphy said so eloquently:
"To change perspective is to change the world."

I was so encouraged by that sentence, that I have adopted it as one of my 'wisdoms to live by'. "To change perspective is to change the world"... I feel that says a lot in favour of advocacy.

The other 'wisdom to live by' that I have adopted is Ghandhi's:
"Be the change you want to see in the world."

I believe that says a lot about love, mercy, grace, acceptance, kingdom of God, civic participation and responsibility, social action, mission, ecological action, etc.

What are the 'wisdoms' you live by?


Sally said...

your essay sounds more fun than mine!!!

Jen Waddell said...

What's your essay on?

Jen Waddell said...

Thanks Alan.