September 09, 2005


At about 6am this morning I went outside to collect my clothes from the laundry. I was instantly taken aback by the gentle sunshine filling the new day, the beautiful melody of the magpie and the tweetering of many other birds about the place...

I love Spring! It is filled glorious blooms, warming sunshine, gentle breezes, and quenching rains.

My garden is starting to come alive with colour. Some plants are proudly flowering, while other plants are shyly daring to sprout green from the winter earth. Spring seems to be such a gay festival of life, of loveliness and fun, and many eagerly seek the hotter months to come. Yet to me, Winter is the hero month...

Winter is lifeless, hopeless, dry, chilling and desolate, yet somehow, all who pass through this sobering, broken season rarely reflect on their journey as they collapse into the rest and harmony of the new season. Here is my favourite poem at the moment:

"Courage is not the towering oak
That sees storms comes and go;
It is the fragile blossom
That opens in the snow."
Alice McKenzie Swaim

May I honour all of you still in the Winter season. Treasure the journey you are on, and remember Spring is on its way!


Anonymous said...

Jen, you're now linked!

On the inspiration of spring, I love the spring equinox, Ostara, the liminal time of the year where light and dark, day and night, are equally balanced. In the southern hemisphere this day of resurrection comes around September 21-23. I'm looking forward to it and late spring warmth which follows on its heels. It reminds me of another day 2000 years ago.

Anonymous said...

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