June 06, 2008

Prince Caspian

I was delighted to go to the openning night of Prince Capsian last night!

A diehard fan of the The Chronicles of Narnia, I have been waiting for this since the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Prince Capsian is my favourite fo all the books, with the Horse and his Boy and close second. I love the faith of Lucy. And this movie certainly lived up to her faith, wisdom and vision... so delighted that they included the trees!! (That was a bit beyond the 1980s BBC versions technical abilities back then).

Without giving anything away (beyond the story line we all know well from the book) it is very important to take the blatant warnings, "Everything you know about Narnia is about the change"... so keep that in mind and you won't be disappointed.

There are still C.S.Lewis-nesses throughout the dialogue which are wonderful, especially spoken by Lucy and Susan.

Overall, I'll rate this 4 stars. I enjoyed it and I'll buy it.


逆援助 said...

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出会い said...

急に時間が出来ても友達はみんなカレシと一緒でかまってくれません…アタシと遊んでくれる人メール下さい☆ a.a-mai@docomo.ne.jp