February 21, 2007

What I'm up to

I have been attending Melton Baptist with David since we were dating, and now that I live here, I have enjoyed becoming a part of the community here.

David and I have decided to take a less busy year (focussing on our marriage getting established and setting up home) and as part of that, we are choosing were to focus our combined and individual energies.

David is not studying this year and continues to teach fulltime. I am looking for work, while doing some casual work with Baptist World Aid Australia. I have taken a semester break from studying, and plan to pick up one subject in semester two, providing the subjects I want/need to do are on offer.

At church, David and I are joining another couple in leading Young Adult-ish home groups. They have been running one for quite a while now, and it is getting too big, and not everyone can make it on the one night. So, David and I are hosting the new group.

We had a BBQ all together on Monday night, letting everyone know about the new group, and we will invite others not already in home groups to join one of the groups. We are now up to the stage of finding the night of the week for ours and discovering who will go where. We also decided at the BBQ that there will be combined events, social events and weekends away and the like. David and I are happy to head that up with whoever is interested joining in the organising.

The group seem pretty keen that it is all expanding. They like the thought that if they miss their usual group because of a work meeting or wahtever they can join the other group that week. They like that it is an expansion and not an us and them.

And I am excited!!! I loved co-leading and being a part of Anything Goes with Matt Stone, and the gang at Pendle Hill, and I am keen to get into a new group! Can't wait!!

Other than that, I will join the music team at church in two weeks as a backing singer. I have also been asked if I mind being put on the preaching roster later in the year. Who knows what the future holds at Melton for me :)

We are still looking for a new fulltime pastor, so please pray for us finding the right person/family for that position. Our Interim pastor leaves us this weekend.


Sally said...

sensible move to re-group and take stock...have a great year- sounds exciting!!!

Jen Waddell said...

Thanks Sally. Yes, I am quite happy about the slower pace and the re-build.
:) Jen